Sunday, June 24, 2007

Singing Roxanne and Still Digging Indy

Yesterday I was struck with a bit of 1980's nostalgia.

Somehow, the unbelievable happened yesterday. I was able to score two tickets for Kristen and I to see The Police in Atlanta in November. We have not been to a rock concert since our graduate school days over 11 years ago. While I have seen Sting a number of times, I have never seen The Police. The Police last performed together in 1984 just as I discovered their music. Needless to say, after many Roxanne falsetto singing lapses yesterday, Kristen has banned me from singing Roxanne today.

The other 1980s flashback occurred when I saw this picture floating around the net on Friday. It is a picture taken by Steven Spielberg on the set of the next Indiana Jones movie. The movie has just started shooting and it is due to be released in May of next year.

For a young boy, this movie captured my imagination. Dad and I went to see Raiders of the Lost Ark in 1981 in Greenville in a packed theater. I also remember seeing the last sequel my senior year of High School. I could not believe that my dad let me skip studying for my last exam so we could go see the movie.

Great Memories.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Smorelicious Weekend

Annaka and I spent this past weekend at Asbury Hills Methodist Camp and enjoyed a good bonding father/child weekend. This was our second year attending and it was nice to leave the house, kick back, enjoy camp activities, eat smores, play in the creek, canoe, and not worry about cooking your own food.

We spent the night in our own cabin and listened to the sounds of nature. Annaka enjoyed playing with her friend Hannah who was also there last year. What a pair!

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Happy Father's Day!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Our Helicopter Ride with the President

Several weeks ago we had the opportunity to visit Washington DC and one of things we were able to do was take a ride in the President's helicopter, Marine Corps One. What a thrilling ride around DC. The skyline of DC at night is really special.

It was a big disappointment, however, that Jack did not want to ride with the family. After some discussion we left him near the Washington Monument with a video camera to take some video of us flying around the Capitol.


Monday, June 11, 2007

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Vacation Pictures


I have uploaded some pictures from our recent week long trip through the mid-Atlantic states. We spent some time at a awesome water park in Williamsburg, VA, camped on Assateague, and toured around DC.

It is hard to take a "vacation" with a 4 and 2 year old, but we had something for everyone, even Uncle Brian had a good time.